Sunday, March 29, 2015

Ethical Computer Use- Punishment required

This week I was able to study about computer use and what the law considers legal use of media and illegal use of media content. Illegal download or copying can apply to music, media, handwritten work, published papers, movies and video games. With the law behind the owners of the material, they can sue you.  I agree with the law on downloading movies, videos, and music as the creators of the material should be paid for their work.  If they intended for us to have their creative work, they would post it online with the ability to download it for free. If we did not have laws to support our work, then think of the hackers that are world wide that could take anything at anytime and not be punished.  Why spend millions of dollars on research and business plans or military operation strategies, when hackers could gain access for free and share with all our competitors. Laws are made to keep us safe and when terror strikes, there is a system to help us get justice.

Being a good digital citizen

This week I studied about digital citizenship.  The best bet is to behave the same way online as when you are in person. Have common courtesy and treat others with respect. Everyone is different and brings unique thoughts to the conversation.  Have a position outlook and try to broaden your intelligence by listening and have open dialogue. If you have a different view point, then you can always present your thoughts but in a positive manner.  One way to do this would be to start your sentence out like "you bring such an interesting perspective to this discussion, I was thinking differently about it and explain in detail". Collaboration brings the greatest growth in education and in entrepreneurship. You can discuss and create with international students. IF everyone was the same, the world would be very bland. If anyone posts harmful comments then do not engage in discussion with them.,d.cWc&psig=AFQjCNHXho7FR6KO98yRb5DM5HSv3yoavw&ust=1427764203440477

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Once published, lives are forever changed.

This week I had the chance to read "Once it is on the internet, it's there forever".
This got me to thinking, as a teenager, there are so many exciting events we attend.  These can be as simple as the basketball game or baseball league games during the summer.  As we tend to grow, we go to birthday parties or hang out with our friends on the weekend. We take pictures of ourselves being silly and post them on the social media sites. 
As future college scholars and pillars of the community, these pictures and posts may come back to haunt us as our future girlfriends and peers at work, may not understand the message.  Future employers will be reviewing all social media to better understand their potential candidate and not hire them solely based upon their external behavior. The moral of this post, is to reflect prior to posting any pictures or written thoughts that you would be ashamed or embarrassed for your grandma to read or see.