Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Cyberbullying- 5 Point plan of attack for children under age of 18

To all my dearest friends and online peers, I have been studying the scary world that we live in. This includes children much younger than us that are facing harassment online. All we are trying to do is interact online with each other and have fun.  Unfortuantely friends, I moved to South Carolina and cannot communicate with you face-to-face, unless it is during my family visits to Indiana. I am sad to inform you that there is evil facing us everywhere and this evil is only idenfied through electronic numbers and addresses.  I invite you to review the following statistical information, which should be alarming to you.

  • In 2014, 52% of all children under the age of 18 have been Cyberbullied 
  • Gender, race, social class DOES NOT MATTER to the bully.
  • From 2012 to 2013, Cyberbulling rose 87%
                                                    (nobullying, par.1-4, 2014)

I have recently learned that one of my good friends has been bullied through electronic media. He had contacted me for support.  I gave him the following five points of action to end this cyber criminals actions.

  1. Tell your parents.
  2. Collect all information and make copies.
  3. Contact law enforcement.
  4. Change telephone numbers, user names and passwords online.
  5. Report incidents to the onsite administrator for the website or social media outlet that the incident occured or is occurring.

I ask that you take this opportunity to become an advocate for all the children that cannot stand-up for themselves.  Let's make today, the last day for tolerating any negative behaviors from anyone, especially faceless cyber crinimals. I have inserted two different games to play, which can help the awareness campaign and be performed offline.



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